Turnkey affiliate websites



Welcome to our revolutionary freelance affiliate Website marketplace, where your journey to online business success begins! We’re here to provide you with a unique opportunity to jump start your entrepreneurial dreams by offering fully configured and optimized turnkey Websites.

Everything you need

Since 2007, Web2au has been consulting with small businesses to help them increase their productivity to get the most out of their online presence, no matter what their budget is.

We know that you love your business and youre good at what you do. So are We.

We know WordPress intimately and we’re committed to providing personalized service and tailored solutions to make your WordPress website shine above your competitors.

  • 12 Months Domain Registration

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  • 12 months Website Hosting

    With every website that we sell. We include 12 months website hosting on our own SSL servers. This ensures that your website will be live 99.9% of the time as guaranteed by our hosting provider.


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Photo credit: Sean Ferns



At Web2au, we specialize in working with small business owners to set up their internet environments. We can register new domain names, host your website on our secure servers, and install scripts such as WordPress and social networking sites. We can even handle mundane tasks like writing copy for web pages, creating employee emails and intranet profiles, and advising on which plugins will work best for your business.

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Technologies we use

There are literally thousands of programming languages in existence today, and it’s impossible for any one person to know them all. Especially me, However, fortunately most programming languages share commonalities, which allow us to use our knowledge of one language to learn and be able to apply content to another more easily.

When it comes to developing websites with WordPress, we typically use a combination of several programming languages, including PHP, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.

Why I use it: I use HTML5 because it is the latest version of HTML and provides a wide range of new features and improvements for building modern websites and web applications. Example: HTML5 provides new and improved tags and attributes for embedding multimedia content such as audio and video, creating animations and graphics with the canvas and SVG elements, and building more interactive web applications using features such as local storage and web workers.

Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML 5)

HTML5 provides new and improved tags and attributes for embedding multimedia content such as audio and video, creating animations and graphics with the canvas and SVG elements, and building more interactive web applications using features such as local storage and web workers.

JavaScript (JS)

We use JavaScript for front-end web development and creating dynamic web pages. For example, I use React framework for building dynamic web pages.

JavaScript: I use JavaScript to add interactivity and dynamic functionality to web pages. For example, I use JavaScript to create interactive forms, validate user input, and manipulate the DOM.


Java is a high-level programming language used for building a wide range of applications, including desktop software, mobile applications, web applications, and enterprise solutions.

Why I use it: I use CSS3 because it provides more advanced styling options, including support for animations, transitions, and responsive design. Example: CSS3 allows me to create complex animations and transitions that can enhance user experience and make web pages more engaging. It also provides more advanced options for creating responsive web designs, such as media queries and flexbox.

Cascading Style Sheet (CSS)

CSS3 allows us to create complex animations and transitions that can enhance user experience and make web pages more engaging. It also provides more advanced options for creating responsive web designs, such as media queries and flexbox.

PHP: I use PHP to build dynamic web pages and web applications. For example, I use PHP to process form data, generate dynamic content, and interact with databases.

Php Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP)

With PHP, we can easily integrate web forms, databases, and other server-side functionalities to my websites and web applications, making them more interactive and functional.


Fast, and concise JavaScript library designed to simplify HTML document traversing, event handling, and animation for web development. It allows for less code to achieve more functionality with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Make a beautiful website

It has never been easier to create pages and websites on WordPress